EPOS IMPACT SDW 5033 - US Single-Sided DECT Headset

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Epos (Sennheiser) TPN: T01162    MPN: 1000589

Sale price$231.18 Regular price$385.00


EPOS / Sennheiser IMPACT SDW5033 Headset - MPN 1000589

Single-sided, wireless DECT headset for professionals using PC/softphone. Super wideband audio and a unique two microphone noise-cancelling system create this superior audio solution.



Ensure excellent customer experiences with a line of premium audio tools for optimal comfort, easy call handling and rich, natural sound. Reliable, intelligent technologies filter out unwanted noise, enhance audio and boost your efficiency


Key features:

  • Experience superior EPOS sound
  • Empower your people with total flexibility
  • Increase productivity and create focus
  • Ensure enhanced security for all your calls
  • Get all-day wearing comfort

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