EPOS ADAPT 661 Over-Ear Bluetooth ANC Headset

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Epos (Sennheiser) TPN: 8593208049943    MPN: 1001004

Sale price$413.76 Regular price$485.00


EPOS ADAPT 661 Over-Ear Bluetooth ANC Headset, Includes BTD 800 USB-C Dongle And Carry Case. Teams Certified MPN: 1001004


Maximize focus and productivity anywhere with a headset powered by EPOS AI™ for personal audio with superb call clarity, stereo sound and adaptive ANC. Enjoy a unique UC optimized solution with machine learning enhanced microphone performance. Adaptive ANC helps you regain concentration by monitoring your working environment and adjusts noise reduction accordingly, even reducing wind noise when outdoors so you can work efficiently whatever your situation. Get straight into collaborative work via a dedicated button that launches Microsoft Teams on your PC via the USB-C dongle included. Stay organized with Alexa voice assistant and connect simultaneously to mobile and PC. Whether revitalizing your open office, working on-the-go, or enjoying a relaxed commute, ADAPT 600 boosts efficiency and improves wellbeing for today's mobile workforce.



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